Train Up A Child Day 4


Train Up A Child Day Four

4.  Train with this thought continually before your eyes — that the soul of your child is the first thing to be considered.
Precious, no doubt, are these little ones in your eyes; but if you love them, think often of their souls.  No interest should weigh with you so much as their eternal interests.  No part of them should be so dear to you as that part which will never die. The world, with all its glory, shall pass away; the hills shall melt; the heavens shall be wrapped together as a scroll; the sun shall cease to shine.  But the spirit which dwells in those little creatures, whom you love so well, shall outlive them all, and whether in happiness or misery (to speak as a man) will depend on you.
This is the thought that should be uppermost on your mind in all you do for your children.  In every step you take about them, in every plan, and scheme, and arrangement that concerns them, do not leave out that mighty question, “How will this affect their souls?”
Soul love is the soul of all love.  To pet and pamper and indulge your child, as if this world was all he had to look to, and this life the only season for happiness — to do this is not true love, but cruelty.  It is treating him like some beast of the earth, which has but one world to look to, and nothing after death.  It is hiding from him that grand truth, which he ought to be made to learn from his very infancy, — that the chief end of his life is the salvation of his soul.
A true Christian must be no slave to fashion, if he would train his child for heaven.  He must not be content to do things merely because they are the custom of the world; to teach them and instruct them in certain ways, merely because it is usual; to allow them to read books of a questionable sort, merely because everybody else reads them; to let them form habits of a doubtful tendency, merely because they are the habits of the day.  He must train with an eye to his children’s souls. 

He must not be ashamed to hear his training called singular and strange.  What if it is? The time is short, — the fashion of this world passeth away.  He that has trained his children for heaven, rather than for earth, — for God, rather than for man, — he is the parent that will be called wise at last.

I can’t tell you the amount of times that I have heard my children say, “I am not allowed to watch that” or “read that” or “listen to that” or “play with that” or “go there”. But I am always so proud of them because the times I have overheard it, it was said with firm conviction. I pray that it will always be that way.
Our Shelby is 10 now… so there are beginning to become times when I catch a hint of sarcasm or disappointment when she mutters her restriction… but she mutters it still. Though I would rather it be said because she also fully believes and understands the why… at these muttered times I will accept the unhappy obedience, because at the very least she chose to honor our standards instead of going her own way.
Once again I pray that this is choice that our girls continues to walk in…
I also can’t tell you the times that I had teachers look at me like I was crazy because I came in with a book that was sent home for my child to read and explained to the teacher why it was not an appropriate book for her to be reading and she would take a zero on the project before she placed the lies in the page in her mind.
To one of these occasions the teacher replied, “I’ve been a teacher for over 20 years and the kids have always read and enjoyed this book, it’s mere fantasy
I wanted to say with great sarcasm, “ummm yes and the children who read these kind of books are the ones who are now running our country, making our tv shows and movies, and singing our songs on the radio, and writing new books, including our public school curriculum, and what a wonderful, wholesome, moral, and godly job they are doing.”

But I kept my mouth shut and walked away because I felt I had made my stand by returning the book and sometimes you just need to shut up and led God do the point proving.

Not a one of us want to see our children ridiculed.
Good grief, not a one of us wants to be ridiculed.
But we must be willing to be ridiculed, mocked, even hated if that’s what standing for Christ and His truth leads to.
We must also teach our children this confidence by example.
When they see we are willing to go through the fire to stand for righteousness, to stand on the side of the Lord, then they will see we really believe what we ask of them.
So many will spend hours with their children training them to be skilled golfers, skilled baseball players, skilled pianist, skilled mathematicians, skilled beauty queens and cheerleaders… focusing them on how to get the most out of this earth. How to have more than they had, always more, bigger, better, more success here on earth, but yet they have taught their children nothing of eternal value.
How much are you investing in the eternal soul of the little ones in your life?
Are you training them to please men?
Or are you training them to please God?

>Worth Waiting For


So Jacob served seven years for Rachel
and they seemed to him but a few days
because of his love for her.
Genesis 29:20
When I read this verse, I am reminded of my service to Christ. No matter the years of service devoted to my Savior, they seem only but a few days because I love Him so much.
This verse, even more so, leads me to think of Christ as He stands at the right hand of God the Father, interceding on behalf of the church and serving her to the point of death on a cross. Romans 5:8 tells us that “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.” God laid aside His glory, He laid aside His throne, and He came to this world in the form of man that He might reconcile us to Himself through the cross of Christ (Colossians 1:20).
Jacob left his home and went out to seek his bride. Jesus left his throne and came to not only seek His bride but to bring life to His bride. He serves for His bride. He has served her for over two thousand years, and yet He says, “Beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day” (2 Peter 3:8).
Christ’s days of service for His bride are many years, yet they are only as a few days because He loves her so much. He still waits for His wedding day.
Christ made Himself ready; He has done all He needs to do. He stands at the end of the aisle by His Father, and He waits for His bride to enter through the narrow door and walk the path to Him.
True love is worth waiting for. True love is worth dying for—dying not just physically, but dying to our own self, our own wants, our own dreams, our own desires. True union begins in our commitment to one another, and the covenant binds that commitment.
A marriage is formed because two have committed their lives to each another before the ceremony. The ceremony is only an outward display of what has already inwardly taken place. It is a demonstration before witnesses, and it binds the commitment.
Jacob loved Rachel and demonstrated his love to her by his service. He willingly served Laban seven years for her. Jacob waited to be with the one he loved.
In this day, waiting is not popular. Many of us have believed the lie of the enemy and have allowed ourselves to be convinced that love does not wait. How often do we hear, “If we love each other, why wait?” How many have jumped into a marriage that was not God’s plan because they simply were tired of waiting? How many have become sexually involved before they were married because they were not willing to wait?
Oh, precious one, love is patient (1 Corinthians 13:4).
True love is worth waiting for, and it is worth serving for.
Oh Father,
As the song “Amazing Grace” says, “When we’ve been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun, we have no less days to sing God’s praise than when we first begun.” Oh Father, thank You for loving me. Thank You, my Jesus, for loving me enough to die for me. You died for me while I was still an enemy to You. I was dead in my trespasses and sin against You, and yet still You died for me (Romans 5:6–11). I will never get over the grace You have shown me and continue to show me every day. My Jesus, might I serve You with my every breath, for I breathe only by Your grace. Oh Father, might I be presented to my Groom having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that I would be holy and blameless, sanctified, and cleansed (Ephesians 5:26–27). My Jesus, You are worthy of nothing less.
It is in Your name I pray,

>Train Up A Child Day 3

>So far in this journey of learning what it means to train up a child we have looked at how important it is for us to teach our children the truth of the Word of God. We have looked at how important it is for us to be purposeful in teaching our children how to think with God’s thoughts.

For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:8-9

When God gave us this passage of Scripture He did not give it to tell us that we could never understand Him or His ways, although often that is how many choose to interpret it. He simply is saying you, we, us, me cannot on our own think the way God thinks. We need to trust in His Word not our own thoughts or ways. Our thoughts will not be His thoughts and our ways will not be His ways, that’s why He gave us His Word. His Word is filled with His thoughts and His ways. We are to line our thoughts and ways up with His and be guided by His thoughts not our own. And this is how we are to teach our children to think.

We also saw how although our children need to respect and obey us, we are not to bring this about in them through fear and intimidation. We must first be sure that our children fully understand how much we love them with true affection and kindness. This kind of love of course is not gained though giving them everything they want and desire… it is not meant to be a pampering love… it is meant to be a perfecting love. Our children must first understand that they are loved before they will be willing to obey and love back with joyful obedience.

  There is no fear in love;
but perfect love casts out fear,
 because fear involves punishment,
and the one who fears is not perfected in love. 
We love, because He first loved us. 
1 John 4:18-19
So now we move on to point 3 in JC Ryle’s, The Duties of Parents
Train Up A Child Day Three
3.  Train your children with an abiding persuasion on your mind that much depends upon you.

Grace is the strongest of all principles.  See what a revolution grace effects when it comes into the heart of an old sinner, — how it overturns the strongholds of Satan, — how it casts down mountains, fills up valleys, — makes crooked things straight, — and new creates the whole man.  Truly nothing is impossible to grace.  Nature, too, is very strong.  See how it struggles against the things of the kingdom of God, — how it fights against every attempt to be more holy, — how it keeps up an unceasing warfare within us to the last hour of life. Nature indeed is strong.
But after nature and grace, undoubtedly, there is nothing more powerful than education.  Early habits (if I may so speak) are everything with us, under God.  We are made what we are by training.  Our character takes the form of that mould into which our first years are cast. 
We depend, in a vast measure, on those who bring us up.  We get from them a colour, a taste, a bias which cling to us more or less all our lives.  We catch the language of our nurses and mothers, and learn to speak it almost insensibly, and unquestionably we catch something of their manners, ways, and mind at the same time. 

Time only will show, I suspect, how much we all owe to early impressions, and how many things in us may be traced up to seeds sown in the days of our very infancy, by those who were about us.  A very learned Englishman, Mr.  Locke, has gone so far as to say: “That of all the men we meet with, nine parts out of ten are what they are, good or bad, useful or not, according to their education.”
And all this is one of God’s merciful arrangements.  He gives your children a mind that will receive impressions like moist clay.  He gives them a disposition at the starting-point of life to believe what you tell them, and to take for granted what you advise them, and to trust your word rather than a stranger’s. He gives you, in short, a golden opportunity of doing them good. See that the opportunity be not neglected, and thrown away.  Once let slip, it is gone for ever. 

Beware of that miserable delusion into which some have fallen, — that parents can do nothing for their children, that you must leave them alone, wait for grace, and sit still.  These persons have wishes for their children in Balaam’s fashion, — they would like them to die the death of the righteous man, but they do nothing to make them live his life.  They desire much, and have nothing.  And the devil rejoices to see such reasoning, just as he always does over anything which seems to excuse indolence, or to encourage neglect of means.
I know that you cannot convert your child.  I know well that they who are born again are born, not of the will of man, but of God.  But I know also that God says expressly, “Train up a child in the way he should go,” and that He never laid a command on man which He would not give man grace to perform.  And I know, too, that our duty is not to stand still and dispute, but to go forward and obey.  It is just in the going forward that God will meet us.  The path of obedience is the way in which He gives the blessing.  We have only to do as the servants were commanded at the marriage feast in Cana, to fill the water-pots with water, and we may safely leave it to the Lord to turn that water into wine.

I don’t know about you, but I honestly can say that I do not know one parent who has ever said, “Yeh well, I just as soon my kid spend eternity in hell.” I can’t think of one parent that doesn’t hope or even expect their child to go to heaven. But how many of these same parents are pro-active in educating their children on how to be saved?
How many choose to never teach their children the Word of God or even put them in a place where it can be taught to them by some else, yet expect them to be good and righteous enough all on their own and just slide right on in to heavens gate all on their own.
How many don’t make the Word a priority?
How many don’t make church a priority?
How many don’t make Christ a priority?
Think about it?
How many churches have turned the children’s ministry into playtime and babysitting and have not even bothered to do more than keep the kids out of the way of the adults?
Oh precious ones lay a foundation of education.
Our God is a God of knowledge and He desires His children to grow in the knowledge of Him.
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Because you have rejected knowledge,
Hosea 4:6
Perhaps you are reading this and you missed the boat with your own children. Maybe you were not born again in Christ until your own children were grown… it’s not over. A parent never stops teaching their children. You teach them by your own obedience to the Word. You can lead them by example even when you are old and they have children of their own.

I know that is only by the grace of God that He saved me when He did. I thank God that He saved me in enough time to teach my children His ways, because I know left to myself… I never would have. I would have just hoped for heaven like many others. Therefore, I cannot ever condemn a parent for missing the boat, but I will encourage and exhort you to get on the boat now!

Teach your grandkids.
Teach the children in your neighborhood.
Teach in the nursery or in the children’s ministry.
Make known the way of salvation.
Make it known to all who will sit and listen.
then teach them the statutes and the laws,
and make known to them
the way in which they are to walk
and the work they are to do.
Exodus 18:20

>God Finishes What He Starts


Behold, I am with you
and will keep you wherever you go,
and will bring you back to this land;
for I will not leave you
until I have done
what I have promised you.
Genesis 28:15
Isaac sent Jacob to the land of Paddan-aram. This is where Rebekah’s brother lived. Isaac sent Jacob to find himself a wife. Rebekah would have no part of her favorite son being married to a Canaanite woman. This also was her excuse to protect Jacob from Esau, whom she had heard was out to kill him over the birthright blessing.
Isaac placed the blessing of Abraham on to Jacob before he sent him. However, it did not become concrete until God Himself spoke this blessing upon Jacob. Isn’t this the way it is with us? We can pray blessings over our children. We can raise them up in the ways and knowledge of God, but in all that we do, God does not become real to them until they have had their own distinct and personal encounter with Him.
In this chapter, the Lord appears to Jacob in a dream. This Lord, who was the God of his father Abraham and the God of his father Isaac, would now soon become the God of Jacob.
God promises Jacob that He will not leave him until He has done what He has promised him. I believe these words of God speak past the pages of Genesis. These words tell me that God is still with Jacob, still with his descendants, for God has yet to finish all of what He has promised.
Even though thousands of years have passed, do not think that God is slow concerning His promise, for God is always on time. The descendants simply are not yet all born.
Galatians 3:29 declares, “And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs according to the promise.”
In John 1:12–13 we read, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.”
No, precious one, God is not slow concerning His promise; He is patient. He is waiting for the birth of all His children, for He will see us all safe in the land He has promised.
Are you born in Him?
Oh Father,
What peace this promise gives me—to know that You will not leave me until You have done what You have promised. Philippians 1:6 says, “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Oh Father, You have promised to bring me to Yourself, so I wait for You and I long for the day that I will be with You. Father, I am so thankful for Your personal call on my life. It is an intimate and personal salvation. You are not simply the God of Israel, the God of the church, the God of my parents; You are my God. I know You, and You know me. I must worship You in solitude before I can worship You corporately. I must worship You on this earth before I can worship You in heaven. Oh Father, I walk with You even if no one else walks with You because I know that with You as my God, I never walk alone.
My Jesus, it is in Your name I pray,

>Train Up A Child Day 2


Train Up A Child Day Two
2.  Train up your child with all tenderness, affection, and patience.  I do not mean that you are to spoil him, but I do mean that you should let him see that you love him.
 Love should be the silver thread that runs through all your conduct.  Kindness, gentleness, long-suffering, forbearance, patience, sympathy, a willingness to enter into childish troubles, a readiness to take part in childish joys, — these are the cords by which a child may be led most easily, — these are the clues you must follow if you would find the way to his heart. 
Few are to be found, even among grown-up people, who are not more easy to draw than to drive.  There is that in all our minds which rises in arms against compulsion; we set up our backs and stiffen our necks at the very idea of a forced obedience.  We are like young horses in the hand of a breaker: handle them kindly, and make much of them, and by and by you may guide them with thread; use them roughly and violently, and it will be many a month before you get the mastery of them at all.

Now children’s minds are cast in much the same mould as our own.  Sternness and severity of manner chill them and throw them back.  It shuts up their hearts, and you will weary yourself to find the door.  But let them only see that you have an affectionate feeling towards them, — that you are really desirous to make them happy, and do them good, — that if you punish them, it is intended for their profit, and that, like the pelican, you would give your heart’s blood to nourish their souls; let them see this, I say, and they will soon be all your own. 

But they must be wooed with kindness, if their attention is ever to be won.  And surely reason itself might teach us this lesson.  Children are weak and tender creatures, and, as such, they need patient and considerate treatment.  We must handle them delicately, like frail machines, lest by rough fingering we do more harm than good.  They are like young plants, and need gentle watering, — often, but little at a time.

We must not expect all things at once.  We must remember what children are, and teach them as they are able to bear.  Their minds are like a lump of metal — not to be forged and made useful at once, but only by a succession of little blows.  Their understandings are like narrow-necked vessels: we must pour in the wine of knowledge gradually, or much of it will be spilled and lost.  “Line upon line, and precept upon precept, here a little and there a little,” must be our rule.  The whetstone does its work slowly, but frequent rubbing will bring the scythe to a fine edge. 

Truly there is need of patience in training a child, but without it nothing can be done.

Nothing will compensate for the absence of this tenderness and love.  A minister may speak the truth as it is in Jesus, clearly, forcibly, unanswerably; but if he does not speak it in love, few souls will be won.  Just so you must set before your children their duty, — command, threaten, punish, reason, — but if affection be wanting in your treatment, your labour will be all in vain.

Love is one grand secret of successful training.  Anger and harshness may frighten, but they will not persuade the child that you are right; and if he sees you often out of temper, you will soon cease to have his respect.  A father who speaks to his son as Saul did to Jonathan (1 Sam. 20:30), need not expect to retain his influence over that son’s mind.
Try hard to keep up a hold on your child’s affections.  It is a dangerous thing to make your children afraid of you. Anything is almost better than reserve and constraint between your child and yourself; and this will come in with fear.  Fear puts an end to openness of manner; — fear leads to concealment; — fear sows the seed of much hypocrisy, and leads to many a lie. 

There is a mine of truth in the Apostle’s words to the Colossians: “Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged” (Col. 3:21).  Let not the advice it contains be overlooked.

~ JC Ryle

When I was nineteen years old I discovered myself to be pregnant out of wedlock. I had discovered this a month or so after I had finally ended the unhealthy relationship that I was involved in. I did not know what to do, but I did know who I could go to. 
I was blessed with parents that knew how to discipline me, but also knew how to love me. I have never in all my life ever doubted my parents’ love for me. I have heard the angry voice of both my mother and father yet even through the few well deserved belt whippings, the multiple groundings, the priviledge removals, and the countless verbal rebukes to straighten up I always felt loved.
I hope and pray that my girls know this secure love from me as well.
At barely nineteen and pregnant I knew that the first ones I should and could go to were my parents. Now I was a Daddy’s girl and I couldn’t stand the thought of the look of disappointment that I knew would have to cross my Daddy’s face, so I went to my Momma first and let her break the news to Daddy. She was my advocate, as she should be. That’s what Mom’s are for…
I remember the anxiousness that I felt when I wondered what my Daddy would do when he saw me after he had heard and processed my situation. But my Daddy loved me. He was hurt. He was disappointed, but he loved me still. 
My parents raised me with tenderness, kindness, and affection. I had a healthy fear and respect for my parents, but I was not afraid of them. So even though I had my moments of lying and not sharing all the info in order to try to get by with things that I knew they would not approve of… I never lied out of the fear of speaking openly with them about my opinions, thoughts, or questions. And when caught red-handed and called upon to give an account I didn’t fear giving the truth and taking the consequences (even though I would rather have not gotten caught, lol).    
The simple truth is that the children in our lives need to know that we love them regardless.
Better is open rebuke
Than love that is concealed.
Proverbs 27:5
The children in our lives need affection, they need attention. It is not a want, it is indeed a need. It is so needed that they will choose negative attention over no attention every time. They will choose forced discipline for purposeful disobedience over no affection every time. Even worse, many children will also accept flat-out abuse over being ignored. Oh how they need our love.
Look around you. Look in the eyes of the children around you. Pay attention. Know that we adults must be sincere. We must speak and be truth to the children in our lives. We cannot fake affection. They are not stupid and they cannot be fooled, they know if you truly have affection for them or if you are just dealing with their presence. A child’s spirit can be quite sensitive to the true character and motives of an adult. Love them with sincerity.
Love the children in your lives with the 1 Corinthians 13 love…
Be patient
Be kind
Be humble
Be the adult
Be unselfish
Be stable
Be forgiving
Be the example of Christ 
Bear their tantrums
Believe they can be mighty men and women of God
Hope in their future in Christ
Endure their immaturity, their personality, their lack of understanding
Love them in spite of themselves

>Worldly Sorrow vs Godly Sorrow


So Esau lifted his voice and wept.
Genesis 27:38
In Genesis 25:27–34, Esau gave us an example of the power of the flesh when he chose the bowl of stew over his birthright. Esau chose the temporal over the eternal. He despised his birthright and considered it of no more value than a single meal, and now he is experiencing the consequences of his choice.
Esau returns from the hunt to receive his blessing to discover that the blessing has already been given to Jacob. Esau then begins to weep, yet his sorrow is worldly sorrow, not heavenly sorrow (2 Corinthians 7:9–10). Esau cries the same tears that Cain cried in Genesis 4:13–14. He weeps only for himself and the consequences he will suffer. His sorrow is not one that leads to repentance, but one that comes from selfishness and leads only to death.
In Hebrews 12:15–17 we are warned to be sure that no one comes short of the grace of God. We are warned that there be no immoral or godless persons like Esau, who sold his birthright for a single meal. When he desired to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, no matter how many tears he cried, because his tears were not tears of repentance.
How many of us will stand before the throne of God on the day of our judgment and pour out tears of sorrow without repentance, having despised our birthright through the blood of Jesus Christ, having chosen the pleasures of this present world over the eternal kingdom of Christ?
Esau didn’t realize that the birthright was the blessing. He only saw the loss of ownership of his father’s earthly treasures. Our birthright is eternal life through being “born again” (John 3:3), our adoption as God’s child through the redemption of Jesus Christ on the cross (Romans 8:15–17).
When we refuse Christ, we refuse the Holy Spirit and we deny our birthright. “See to it that you do not refuse Him who is speaking” (Hebrews 12:25).
Oh precious one, what blessing of your Father do you seek?
Do you seek the blessing of health, wealth, and prosperity?
Or do you seek the blessing of God in Christ Jesus?
“How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered! How blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit!” (Psalm 32:1–2).
Oh Father,
How I thank You for my life, my new life in Christ. Oh Father, help me to keep my heart soft and quick to repent. May my tears be tears of repentance and Godly sorrow. In those moments that I fail You, this is the promise You have given: that is if I confess my sins, You will be faithful to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). I know that You know my heart, and in this I rejoice and in this I fear, but more do I rejoice.
My Jesus, it is in Your name I pray,

Train Up A Child Day 1


Train up a child in the way he should go
and when he is old
he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

I came across this article by JC Ryle entitled The Duties of Parents. In it he has this to say about the Scripture verse above:

But, after all, how little is the substance of this text regarded! The doctrine it contains appears scarcely known, the duty it puts before us seems fearfully seldom practiced.  Reader, do I not speak the truth? It cannot be said that the subject is a new one.  The world is old, and we have the experience of nearly six thousand years to help us.  We live in days when there is a mighty zeal for education in every quarter.  We hear of new schools rising on all sides.  We are told of new systems, and new books for the young, of every sort and description.  And still for all this, the vast majority of children are manifestly not trained in the way they should go, for when they grow up to man’s estate, they do not walk with God.  Now how shall we account for this state of things? The plain truth is, the Lord’s commandment in our text is not regarded; and therefore the Lord’s promise in our text is not fulfilled.

Reader, these things may well give rise to great searchings of heart.  Suffer then a word of exhortation from a minister, about the right training of children.  Believe me, the subject is one that should come home to every conscience, and make every one ask himself the question, “Am I in this matter doing what I can?”

I read this and I did have to ask myself if I was indeed, in this matter, doing what I can to fully regard this text, this promise of my God, this instruction in His Word. Because I want to. I want to be a parent who leads my child in the way God would have them go… not my way, not their way, but His way.

So I am going to dig into this verse with Mr Ryle and I invite you to join me. His article contains 17 points. I plan to dig into one point a day, because the article was quite overwhelming to try to take it all in one bite.

Perhaps you are reading this and you don’t have children or you have already raised your children… well these are the words of JC Ryle to you concerning this subject:

It is a subject that concerns almost all.  There is hardly a household that it does not touch.  Parents, nurses, teachers, godfathers, godmothers, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, — all have an interest in it.  Few can be found, I think, who might not influence some parent in the management of his family, or affect the training of some child by suggestion or advice.  All of us, I suspect, can do something here, either directly or indirectly, and I wish to stir up all to bear this in remembrance.  

So don’t disregard this information no matter what your “stage” is in life. If you live in this world you will have an influence on those around you, especially any children who are watching you, even if you don’t want to admit or claim yourself responsible for what ever behavior others see in you. They still see. Little eyes and hearts and minds are always watching and recording and processing.


Train Up A Child Day One

1.  First, then, if you would train your children rightly, train them in the way they should go, and not in the way that they would.

Remember children are born with a decided bias towards evil, and therefore if you let them choose for themselves, they are certain to choose wrong.  The mother cannot tell what her tender infant may grow up to be, — tall or short, weak or strong, wise or foolish he may be any of these things or not, — it is all uncertain.  But one thing the mother can say with certainty: he will have a corrupt and sinful heart. 

It is natural to us to do wrong.  “Foolishness,” says Solomon, “is bound in the heart of a child” (Prov. 22:15).  “A child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame” (Prov. 29:15).  Our hearts are like the earth on which we tread; let it alone, and it is sure to bear weeds.  If, then, you would deal wisely with your child, you must not leave him to the guidance of his own will. Think for him, judge for him, act for him, just as you would for one weak and blind; but for pity’s sake, give him not up to his own wayward tastes and inclinations. 

It must not be his likings and wishes that are consulted.  He knows not yet what is good for his mind and soul, any more than what is good for his body.  You do not let him decide what he shall eat, and what he shall drink, and how he shall be clothed.  Be consistent, and deal with his mind in like manner.  Train him in the way that is scriptural and right, and not in the way that he fancies.

If you cannot make up your mind to this first principle of Christian training, it is useless for you to read any further. Self-will is almost the first thing that appears in a child’s mind; and it must be your first step to resist it.


Oh, we hold our newborn babes in our arms and we look into the eyes of this precious, glorious creation of our God and all we can think is how absolutely perfect they are…

We cannot imagine that within that beauty in our arms is a cold, sinful, wicked heart that is inclined to evil and rebellion against everything good, right, and holy. Yet inside this small, weak, infant frame is indeed a deceitful heart that left to itself has no bounds on wickedness. 

From the very beginning we need to begin to teach our children the will and the way of God through the Word of God. It is never too soon. I became a wholly surrendered believer when my Shelby was 6 months old. She was drug to precept classes from the time she was 7 months old. She sat in the floor and played while the teacher taught and I believe with all my heart that she soaked up as much as me. Her mind was open and her ears were listening though her hands made her appear to be occupied with toys.

When I was pregnant with my youngest I would sing to her all the time… well actually I just sing around the house all the time period. One of the songs I sang the most in my last pregnancy was “You are my strength when I am weak, You are the treasure that I seek, You are my all in all…” One day, several years later, while doing the laundry I began singing this song again. My youngest turned to me and said, “Mommy you used to sing that song to me when I was in your tummy!


Needless to say I was floored to tears!

Teach your children the way of God.
Begin teaching them in the womb, and never stop.

Do not leave them to figure things out for themselves.

I mean how easily do you understand your own wants and desires, and how and why they so contrast with what God says is right, good, and holy? And yet we expect our children to make heads and tails of this on their own?

Our children need us.

Children need us.

Teach them.

The world knows how to teach them how to think.
If we don’t teach them how to think, I can guarantee you that the world, that Satan, will.

If you have any doubts of the power of the world on your child’s thought process, if you choose to not be purposeful and active in teaching them the will and way of God according to the Word of God… just remember the Holocaust. Hitler knew what he was doing. He went after the children, Propaganda and Children during the Hitler Years.

We need to be proactive in teaching our children instead of just trying to un-teach what has already been taught. Your children will either weigh other’s words and teachings against what you have already taught them or they will weigh your countered words against what others have first taught (that is if they even think to question what they were taught or remember to share with you what all has been taught). 

If we put our children in public school we have a precious five years to fill their minds and hearts full of a foundation of truth that we must continue to build on.  A precious five years to give them a plumb line. A plumb line that they will have to use to weigh, to line up, the words of teachers and friends for years to come. It is our job to give them the tools that are needed to discern truth from error when we are not there to help them. 

Are we doing it?

I solemnly charge you in the presence of God  and of Christ Jesus,  who is to judge the living and the dead,  and by His appearing and His kingdom:  preach the word;  be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort,  with great patience and instruction.  For the time will come  when they will not endure sound doctrine;  but wanting to have their ears tickled,  they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,

2 Timothy 4:1-3

>How Good Is Your Word?


Then Isaac trembled violently,
and said,
“Who was he then that hunted game
and brought it to me,
so that I ate of all of it before you came,
and blessed him?
Yes, and he will be blessed.”
Genesis 27:33
This chapter in Scripture is one that hurts my heart to read. Isaac has grown old, and he feels his time of death is drawing near. He calls in Esau to give him the blessing of the firstborn. Rebekah overhears this conversation, and she desires that Jacob have this blessing, not Esau. She then goes to Jacob and begins to scheme to take this blessing from Esau.
I hate the deceiving of Isaac. I am sure that had Jacob gone to his father and told him of how Esau had sold his birthright for a bowl of stew, Isaac would have willingly blessed Jacob with the right of the firstborn. Jacob, however, with the encouragement of his mother, chose to deceive his father.
Rebekah had been told by God in Genesis 25:23 that Esau would serve Jacob, yet once again we have another example in Scripture where we try to “help God out” and end up making a huge mess. When will we come to the full understanding that we can take God at His every word?
What I find even more staggering in this chapter is that once Isaac had spoken his blessing, he couldn’t and wouldn’t take it back. Isaac knew the power of his word. He knew that blessings come from God alone. He knew that he could not take back the blessing that had been uttered because he knew that God had given it.
The Scripture says that Isaac “trembled violently”(Genesis 27:33). I do not believe that he trembled on behalf of Esau’s lost blessing. I believe Isaac trembled from the hurt and disappointment that comes from a parent deceived by his child.
We take God at His word when He offers salvation, and He takes us at our word when we ask to receive that salvation. I was raised to not make promises I could not keep, and if I made a promise, no matter what, I was to keep it. I was always told that I was only as good as my word. There once was a day when a person’s word was solid and binding. There once was a day when a verbal contract was as binding as a written one and a handshake confirmed an oath.
In Matthew 12:36 Jesus says, “But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment.”
Precious one, God has not changed. Our world has changed, but God has not. God’s word is solid and binding, and I believe that He still holds us accountable for the words of our mouth.
Oh Father,
Help me to remember that I need to be careful not to allow careless words to proceed out of my mouth. Oh Father, forgive me for the times that I have spoken out of ignorance and anger and frustration. Help me, Father, to always be a person of my word, a person that others can trust with security that my word will be kept. Oh Father, may I honor You with the words of my mouth; may my speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt (Colossians 4:6).
My Jesus, it is in Your name I pray,

>Remembering Priorities

>We can be saved but choose to spend our lives in fruitless activity (1 Corin 3:15). On the other hand, we can understand our salvation to such a depth that every moment becomes an offering given back to God. Our works will not be tested by their appearances, our level of enjoyment, or others’ opinions. It’s the fire of God that will reveal if we have lived with this world or the next in mind.
—Regina Franklin

The other day my girls had basketball practice. I was sitting and spectating the practice. I brought my current Precept study to work on while I was there. I am better able to sit back with my mouth shut if I bring something else to focus on while I am there. The coach in me has a tendency to just rise up and I am always so thrilled to see dad’s involved in things these days that I try to keep my mouth shut when there’s actually a dad, a man, leading. 

Anyway I am sitting and watching and there are also other teams practicing and other kids just in the gym. I spot a mom working with her daughter on her shots and dribbles and instantly I feel condemnation. I think how I haven’t worked with my girl out in the yard or in the gym like I should have. I know basketball. I played. I know the game. I have even helped coach in the past. My girls are both very athletic and determined and competitive. I think at this time that I am failing them because I am not helping them reach their potential in this area and that maybe I need to devote more time to teaching them basketball skills.

As I am feeling all this condemnation one of the little girls in the gym comes and sits beside me.

She sees my Bible open and my Precept notebook and she asks me what I am doing.

I shared that I was working on my Bible study homework and I told her how I was teaching a study on spiritual gifts. She looked at me like a deer in headlights. I then explained how God gives us all a spiritual gift when we receive Jesus as our Savior so that we can serve Him and His body.

She still looked lost and said “what?”

So I shared that a spiritual gift is how the Holy Spirit works through us and shows Himself in and through us.

She still looked lost.

I then shared that when we understand that we are a sinner and we believe that Jesus was born and that He lived and that He died on the cross for our sins and we ask Him to forgive us our sin and we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior, He then puts His Spirit in us so that He is always with us and our spiritual gifts come from His Spirit in us.

She then said, “oh… we don’t go to church, we just don’t have time, you know how it is…”

I smiled and said, “yep, it’s very easy to get out of the habit of going to church, but it’s really important that we find the time…”
She then grabbed her basketball and was off to play again.

I then remembered my priorities.

Yes, I could devote hours out in the yard or in the gym with my girls perfecting their lay-ups and jump shots, but in the light of eternity is that really time well spent if it means I sacrifice the hours needed to perfect them in Christ?

Yes practice on the court can make wonderful memories and yes it is good to be an active part of teaching our children in every area and aspect of life.
Yes I can teach my children eternal spiritual things and temporal things and sports are wonderful to teach our children discipline, determination, teamwork, and how to win and lose in life…
But let us always be purposeful to keep all things in the right place of priority.

But Martha was distracted with all her preparations;
and she came up to Him and said,
“Lord, do You not care that my sister
has left me to do all the serving alone?
Then tell her to help me.” 
But the Lord answered and said to her,
“Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; 
but only one thing is necessary,
for Mary has chosen the good part,
which shall not be taken away from her.”
John 10:40-42

>It’s Personal


The Lord appeared to him the same night
and said,
“I am the God of your father Abraham;
Do not fear, for I am with you.
I will bless you,
and multiply your descendants,
for the sake of My servant Abraham.”
So he built an altar there
and called upon the name of the Lord.
Genesis 26:24–25
In Genesis 26:2 we have the first recording of the Lord appearing and speaking directly to Isaac. God himself passes on the Abrahamic Covenant to Isaac. This covenant is an unconditional covenant. It is not man’s to earn, man’s to pass on, nor is it man’s to lose. God himself is the guarantor of this covenant. God also lets Isaac know that the fullness of this blessing is being passed on to him because of the obedience of his father, Abraham.
In this section of Scripture we see how God honors obedience, even to the point of honoring our children and our children’s children. Have you ever considered the impact that your present obedience is going to have on the future, especially the future of those who watch you and walk with you in your everyday life?
It is through God that all blessings flow. Isaac had been living in the blessings of the God of his father. However, Isaac still needed to call upon the name of the Lord and for himself receive the greatest blessing of all; the turning of his heart from his own wicked ways (Acts 3:25–26).

Romans 10:13 declares, for whoever will call on the name of the Lord-will be saved. Paul is quoting Joel 2:32, a prophet in the Old Testament Scriptures. The way of salvation has never changed.

From the beginning, all the way back to the salvation of Adam and Eve, only those who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved. Salvation is an individual experience. I cannot save my children. I cannot force them to call upon the name of the Lord. I can show them the way, but I cannot make them walk in it. This decision is one they must make alone with God.
Isaac had been living in the blessings of God given to his father Abraham, just as our children live in the blessings that God has given us. We may be able to pass on the physical blessings of God to our children (material things, relationships, stories), but we cannot pass on the greatest blessing of all, the turning of their hearts from their own wicked ways.
Our children and those around us—and maybe even we ourselves—might be presently living in the blessings of another’s obedience, but the blessing of eternal salvation is personal.
We can be living in the midst of a godly home, or we can be members of a Spirit-filled church and be covered in the love of its members and feel great every time we walk out the doors from the experience, but this does not save us.
We can experience the Holy Spirit of God, but experiencing Him does not save us. We must humble ourselves before Him and call upon the name above all names, the name by which all men may be saved, the name of Jesus (Acts 4:12).
Our parents’ obedience can’t save us, and neither can our obedience save our children. Individually we must walk in obedience to His Word, receiving His offer of salvation by faith.
As Abraham was able to set the example for his son, for his nation, for the world, so we are able to set the example to those around us. Through our obedience we show those around us that God’s Word is true, but we can only be saved through our own personal obedience from the heart to the things we have been taught. We each must individually stand in the gospel of God.
Do you stand in the gospel of God (Romans 1:1–6)?
Have you become obedient from the heart to the form of teaching to which you were committed (Romans 6:17)?
Oh Father,
I desire no blessing more than I desire the blessing of belonging to You. I will seek to know You more and strive to be as close to You as I possibly can while in this body of flesh. My Jesus, fill me; may Your Holy Spirit consume me. Oh Father, I am a stranger in this land, an alien on this earth. The kingdom I belong to is not of this realm (John 9:36). Yet while I am here, may I be an accurate ambassador for the kingdom of Christ. Oh Father, might I live this life in obedience to You, not just for my own sake, but for the sake of my children and all who are watching me. May I be set apart through my obedience to Your truth so that others may be able to trust in my word and believe in Christ for salvation (John 17:19–20).
My Jesus, it is in Your name I pray,

The writing and teachings of Nicole Love Halbrooks Vaughn