Are You A True Disciple of Christ



My Father is glorified by this,

that you bear much fruit,

and so prove to be My disciples.

John 15:8


A true disciple of Christ is not a mindless follower. The word disciple in the Greek in this passage is “mathétés“. We get the word mathematics from this word. The word “math” in the Greek is the “mental effort needed to think something through“.

The word for disciple here in John 15:8 is someone who is “properly, a learner; a disciple, a follower of Christ who learns the doctrines of Scripture and the lifestyle they require; someone catechized with proper instruction from the Bible with its necessary follow-through (life-applications).

This word for disciple comes from the word “manthanó” which means to learn. As you read through the gospels you will see our Lord using this word over and over as He teaches His disciples. Jesus repeatedly says,
But go and learn (manthanó)…” (Matthew 9:13)
Now learn what this…” (Mark 13:28)

A true disciple of Christ has not just randomly, haphazardly,viscerally believed, and then gone on about their business as usual. They have heard the gospel. They have heard the truth and their heart and mind have been opened by God and they have reasoned within themselves. His Spirit has testified to their spirit and they have surrendered to the truth of God.

There is a reason that Jesus came and fulfilled the Law and the Prophets. There is a reason that our Creator has recorded His Words and His Truth and maintained and protected it for thousands of years. There is a reason that He created us with the ability to think. There is a reason that the Savior came as a Teacher… not just a proclaimer.

Listen to the words of Christ repeated over and over… “go and learn

Now learn…

Go and learn what this means…

From the beginning our Lord has called out to us to seek Him, to go and learn more about Him…

But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart and all your soul.

Deuteronomy 4:29


As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a whole heart and a willing mind; for the Lord searches all hearts, and understands every intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will let you find Him; but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever.

1 Chronicles 28:9


No matter what is going on in your life, if you are a disciple of Christ you find yourself coming back to the Word… coming back to sit at the Master’s feet so that you can understand. Seeking to understand Him. seeking to understand circumstances. Seeking to learn so that you can grow in the knowledge of God, so that you can bear fruit in every season. 

Jesus taught by asking questions… He wanted His followers to use the brains that He had given them. He wanted them to be able to intelligently reason the Scriptures. He wanted them to be able to stand against the wiles of the devil, the empty philosophy of men, and the perversion of the Scriptures.

He gave us His Spirit so that we could be guided into the truth of the Word that the He had given us (John 16:13) and He gave us His mind (1 Corinthians 2:16) so that we could reason and think.

So today, beloved, as you step into your Sunday morning service, remember that if you are a disciple of Christ you are a learner and you have been given everything you need by God to understand the Scriptures. Don’t just blindly follow a person of mere flesh and blood when God has opened the way for you to sit at the Master’s feet.

Prove to be His disciple.

Prove to be a disciple of Christ.

A true disciple of Christ seeks to glorify God, not themselves. A true disciple of Christ seeks to elevate the Word of God. A true disciple of Christ knows that apart from Christ they can do nothing. A true disciple of Christ knows that they can never stop learning… because there is always more of God to know… He and His Word are inexhaustible.