

I wrote this poem for my mother and put it on this picture that my youngest daughter drew two years ago when our family began a walk into the hardest journey that our Lord has ever placed us on. I share it today for anyone else who needs to remember that the Lord is with you and that in Him you have all the courage that you need to face whatever is before you.


Crossing into a season that one never expected to see
Opens doors of fear and doubt that were hidden within the
soul deep
Under this life’s trials and tribulations one can easily
crumble beneath
Raise me up my Jesus and gift me with Your strength
Amaze me with Your grace that You promised sufficient to be
Ground me in Your Word, let Your Holy Spirit speak
Everlasting Father, Mighty God, and Prince of Peace…
my Wonderful Counselor, my courage for today I ask You to be

~ nlhv

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