He Never Forgets Us


“Can a woman forget her nursing child
And have no compassion on the son of her womb?
Even these may forget, but I will not forget you.
“Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands;
Your walls are continually before Me.
Isaiah 49:15-16

I attempted to nurse both of my biological children. With my first, my milk just never seemed to come in enough to keep my child satisfied. I ended up giving up when she was close to three months old and feeding her cereal and formula to keep her full. With my youngest, I had plenty of milk. I was abundantly blessed with it. I can remember waking up in the middle of the night in pain because I NEEDED my daughter to nurse. Even if she was sleeping  peacefully through the night, I simply could not stay lost in my own dreamworld because my body remembered my nursing child even as I tried to sleep.

When I read this verse in Isaiah, “Can a woman forget her nursing child…” I remember these nights and this feeling and the impact of this verse and the point the Lord is trying to make resonates within my soul and then I read the second part of that verse and it hits like a brick across my heart… “even these may forget, but I will not forget you.”

According to noheatstroke.org six hundred and ninety-three children have died in the past eighteen years from being left behind in a vehicle. Four hundred and eighty five of those were two years old and younger. These would have all been considered nursing age children in the days that Isaiah spoke these words. We live in a day where we are so distracted that we are forgetting our nursing children. We are living in the “even these” of Isaiah 49:15.

We can be so rushed, so scheduled, so routined, so focused on the next thing and scattered about everything that we forget the most important things, but our God calls out to us and says, even these… even a mother her nursing child… even these may forget but I will not forget you.

Has life ever made you feel like you have been forgotten? Have you ever just sat and felt like the world was going on without you as if you were not even there? Have you ever been abandoned in a time of need when those you expected to come to you did not… when those that said they would be there were not? No doubt we all have at some point and time in our life.

But God never forgets us. Never. He says that we are inscribed in the palm of His hands…

Then He *said to Thomas, “Reach here with your finger, and see My hands; and reach here your hand and put it into My side; and do not be unbelieving, but believing.”

John 20:27

No matter how forgotten we may feel… our feelings lie. If we belong to God in and through Christ then He is in us and we are in Him and we are His. Though He has the entire world to rule sovereignly over. Though He commands the sun to rise and set and the waves to go so far. Though He is there to care for the sparrow and guard the ostriches eggs. Though He watches over the walls of nations and the makeshift tent of the refugee. He is never too distracted, rushed, or scattered to leave any of His children behind. We will never be forgotten by our Savior because He is never separated from us. He never leaves us and He never forsakes us… and He never ever forgets us.