Let My Children Think



The first time I read through any of CS Lewis’s work I wondered why on earth I had never read him before.

Before my heart was wholly surrendered to my God I read mainly fiction books. I have always loved reading and have always had at least one book going in my life as long as I can remember. When I wholly surrendered my life in 2001 and began reading and teaching and inductively studying the Word of God, the Lord made it very clear to me that I did not have time for fiction… He had a work to do in my heart and my mind and I didn’t need to be dragging in more trash… there was already enough in my head that He needed to dump.

Around 2006 I heard about this man named John Piper… and after going through some of studies, I realized he talked about this CS Lewis guy. So I thought that I would check him out.

It was around 2008 when I picked up and read Mere Christianity (remember I was still under God’s strict instruction to stay away from fiction). I read this book and loved it! I even remember posting how I thought that after the Bible, every modern day believer should take a read through this book!

So you can imagine how excited I was to get a message about reviewing a new book written to be a study to go alongside CS Lewis’ Mere Christianity



The classic work commonly known as Mere Christianity is actually a four-book series which explores the common ground upon which all Christians stand. It brings together Lewis’ legendary radio talks broadcast during World War II previously published as: Right and Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe, What Christians Believe, Christian Behavior, and Beyond Personality (or First Steps in the Doctrine of the Trinity), and provides an unequaled opportunity for believers and nonbelievers alike to hear this powerful apologetic for the Christian faith.

The Mere Christianity Critical Analysis Journal is a powerful tool to strengthen critical thinking while cultivating a biblical worldview. Although it was originally created to be a companion resource to Philosophy Adventure, it may also be used as group or independent study for teenagers or adults.


It provides 10-16 questions like this:

MC Quote

These 10-16 questions for each chapter can be discussed in:

  • homeschools
  • co-ops
  • classrooms
  • Sunday school
  • small groups
  • families

Here’s a little more about the author…

Stacy Farrell’s worldview changed when she embarked on her homeschooling adventure in 2002.

Her background as a consultant and writer well-prepared her to teach communication skills; however, only hands-on experience (and much time spent on her knees) equipped her to mentor her sons through the character-transformation required to help them work toward their full potential.

Stacy has spoken at a variety of homeschool conferences and has published articles in leading Christian magazines. She wrote scripts for Willow Creek’s youth ministry, copy for Pastor Bill Hybel’s “Defining Moments” Audio Newsletter, and a broad range of material for corporate and non-profit clients. She also managed a law firm that specialized in civil rights litigation and constitutional law. Today, she loves to help empower students to recover territory lost by “fuzzy thinking” and low expectations. To that end, she created:


  • Philosophy Adventure™—Pre-Socratics – designed to help students 6th-12th grade cultivate and defend a biblical worldview by teaching them how to write skillfully, think critically, and speak articulately as they explore the history of ideas
  • Philippians in 28 Weeks™ — a simple and painless way to memorize an entire book of Scripture
  • The Wise Woman with Literary Analysis Journal Questions – an enchanting fable that unmasks the ugliness of pride and selfishness
  • Mere Christianity Critical Analysis Journal — a powerful tool to strengthen critical thinking while cultivating a biblical worldview.


Although Stacy loves to write, speak, and teach, she considers her role as wife to Roger and mother to two precious sons to be her greatest work and privilege. You can learn more about her resources at Homeschool Adventure

We are a homeschooling family. One of the main reasons we chose to homeschool was so that we could instill a biblical worldview in our children. Another reason we chose to homeschool was because we wanted to teach our girls to think… not just repeat information.

I am excited about Stacy’s Critical Analysis Journal because it is designed to help our children do exactly that…to have a Biblical worldview and to THINK!

The Journal is also available in a typable PDF format so for those that love to go paperless, this will be great for you 🙂

If you act now you can use the promo code below to get this great product at a discount…

Promo Code Pic

You can even download a free copy of CS Lewis’ book here: Mere Christianity e-book

And tonight you are invited to the Facebook release party beginning at 8pm! At the party you also will have an awesome opportunity to get free door prizes and sign up to win over $1000 in free books and there is even an opportunity to win a Kindle Fire!

Just click here for details: Mere Christianity Critical Analysis Journal Release Party

I hope to see you there! I will also be giving a way free copies of the ebook version of my book Devotions From Exodus Part One (Learning to Live in Freedom).

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